Monday, February 4, 2008

Book: The Book of Ebenezer Le Page

Edwards, G.B.. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page. 978-1-59017-233-9 (1981).
By far, the best novel I have read in a long time. This story's ability to transport you to both another time and another land is noteworthy. With characters both real and extraordinary, it reminds me both of the quirky characters of my own youth (and thus of any small town in a simpler time) and elements of the magical realism of Garcia Marquez. I appreciate its use of the first person narrative and applaud the creation of such a daring character as Ebenezer Le Page. While for all the world a lonely and isolated bachelor, Ebenezer writes in his book of a life filled with love (and love lost), deeply emotive friendship (and its passing), family (and its inevitable conflicts), loyalty, honor, truth, perpetual youth, and his own run-ins with a significant portion of 20th century history (and its implications for a modern world). I can only pray that Ebenezer is continuing to write in his book of a life lived with appreciation for all that creation presents each of us. We would all do well to savor an ormer, sit in the sun on a flat rock by the ocean, warm ourselves by a fire, and reflect on those lives that have touched our own. A must read and an early favorite for my "book of the year".

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